The Success Vision
In my opinion there can be no success in business or in life without a vision. The
vision is the blueprint in your mind of where you are going and how you are
going to get there. It is the map of success and, like a business without a
business plan you cannot achieve anything great without it. I am still on my
journey and I have not yet achieved everything I’ve set out to do. But I have
always had a vision in my mind of who I want to become and what I need to do
to achieve it.
When I was seven years old living in the southwest of England, I told my mum,
apparently out of the blue, that as soon as I was old enough I would be moving
abroad. She laughed and asked me why. My answer was “because abroad is
where I will make it”. I honestly don’t know why I said that and how I even came
to that outburst but sure enough, at 19 years old, I moved abroad and have
never been back to live in the UK.
My vision is closely linked to my passion which is helping others to improve while
at the same time improving myself. That is why I became a coach and why I am
passionately sharing my knowledge with anyone that will listen to me now. You
do not need to be able to predict the future and you do not even need to know
yet what your meaning and passion is, but if you are a coach then helping others
is at the core of what you do.
You must envision where you want to go and what you want to achieve. This is
the roadmap to your success, and without it you will get lost. Take some time to
sit quietly and relax your mind, then picture what success looks like for you and
what you believe you need to do in order to achieve your goals. The clearer the
picture, the easier it is to begin your journey. On tough days when it is difficult
to find the motivation to work (and believe me, we all have them) it will be your
vision which will motivate you and energise you to keep going and to never give
When I began to write this book I was completely overwhelmed by the enormity
of the task ahead of me. I knew that I had the knowledge to share and that,
when finished, the book could help other coaches become more successful and
earn more income. It has been a long tough ride to write this book and on the
days where I almost gave up or felt like I couldn’t write another word, it was my
success vision that motivated me and pushed me to finish the task – and your
vision can do the same for you.
A good friend and mentor of mine, Jonathan Wallet, once suggested to me that
your success vision should be played backwards in your mind in order to make it
achievable. This is a great concept to try out: picture what you want to earn in
say two, five or ten years time. Picture how your day looks, how you are working
and what hours, picture your lifestyle the cars you are driving, the house you live
in and investments you have, picture the wonderful people around you and your
holidays and experiences. Picture how you are still learning and helping others
and making a difference in your community, and picture the intellectual property
you have already created and the successes you have achieved. If you can see it,
then you can achieve it.